Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Letter from Joe

Already i haven't done a very good job in keeping this updated. Here is a letter from Joe:

Dear Family and Friends:

As you should already know by now, i am no longer in Ashland, KY. I went from Ashland to Atlanta on a bus. Atlanta is a lock-down 23/7. We got out for an hour to shower, call home or watch TV. The food was OK. Then, i flew on "ConAir" to upper New York. From there went to Brooklyn, NY, where there is a holdover. On our way there we went by Ground Zero, The Empire State Building, saw in the distance the Statue of Liberty, and a hooker. I saw all of this on the bus. It took half the day to get to Devens, Massachusetts. I am in Unit GA. We are next to the rec. yard.

My Address is:
Joseph Turner
10011-033 Unit GA
Federal Medical Center, Devens
PO Box 879
Ayer, MA 01432

I am doing a lot of walking. The rec yard is smaller than in Ashland. The Library is a lot small than Ashland. I spend a lot of mt time in the unit reading or playing cards. I will talk to you all next week.

Love ya!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


This blog was created to let family and friends check in on the status of Joe, while he is otherwise indesposed. I will be his proxy. He wants everyone to know how much he loves them and hopes that time will pass quickly so he can rejoin his family and friends.